Friday, December 30, 2011

Winter Snow

Hey guys!
Today we had this amazing winter snow.
Apparantly we haven't had this much snow for 27 years!
So I decided to take a few pictures! Well, a lot actually...

Here are a few of my favorites:

This tree looked like straight out of a story book so..

I edited the picture in picasa, made it black & white

Then I put the lyrics of the Christmas song all over the picture and this is what it looked like:

Finally, I printed the picture and put it in a white frame I got at ikea and..

(it's a bit clearer than on the pictures though)

ohh I just love snow!


  1. Beautiful, I love this.

  2. That´s such a good idea!

  3. Are those real pine cone candles? Those are really cool. You're lucky to have snow. We are dry here in CA.

  4. Thank you:) I got mine at a christmas market, but you can also get quite similar ones at Pottery Barn:
